Saturday, 23 December 2017

Elements of Strategic Management

These are the terms we should know in Strategic Management

Competitive Advantage

"A firm is said to have competitive advantage when it is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential player'" (Barney-1991)

  • access to natural resources
  • access to highly trained and skilled personal human resources
This is an example of competitive advantage in the existence industry:
  1.  Strong research and innovation- Apple, Sony
  2. Brand Popularity- Coca Cola
  3. Superior product/ customer support- IKEA
  4. Low pricing- Air Asia
  5. Speed and time- Domino's, FedEx
Resource-based View (RBV)
-a firm's internal resources are most important in getting and sustaining company's competitive advantage

Industrial/ Organizational View
-the industry which the firm choose to compete has a stronger influence on the firm's performance than the firm's internal resources such as management, marketing and finance
-external resources

Resources and Capability

Resources - inputs (eg:equipments, HR, processes, patents, finances) into firm's production process.

  1. tangible- asset, equipment, etc.
  2. intangible- reputations, culture, patents, copyright, knowledge
  3. HR- skills, intelligence, competencies, experiences
Capability - the firm;s capacity to transform into outputs valued by the customer which generate profit for the firm

Characteristics of Resources as a Sorce of Competitive Advantage

  1. valuable
  2. rare
  3. hard to imitate or substitute
  4. organized to be exploit 

Vision Statement
- a statement about what an organization wants to become
- must align with the core values of stakeholders
- a powerful motivatot

Mission Statement
- defines the long-term vision of the organizations in terms of what it wants to be and whom it want to serve 
- it should be clear and concise in order to distinguish it from any other firm
- has to be back up with specific objectives and strategies
products/service, markets, technology, concern for survival, growth and profitability, philosophy, self-concept, concern for public image, concern for employee

- a desired or specific result of a planned activity that should be achieved by a specific time.
- short, medium, long-term
- should be measureable
Specific, Measurable, Achievable/attainable, Realistic, Time phase. (SMART)

- a strategic master plan states how the corporation will achieve its mission and objective.
- its maximize competitive advantage and minimize competitive disadvantage
- it is concern with integrating company activities and allocating resources so that the present objective can be met.

Level Of Strategy


  1. Stockholders
  2. Customers
  3. Employees
  4. Communities
  5. Government

1 comment:

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